The Wormlips Scrapbook

The Bright Side of Life

I feel petty writing about my own small life when so many are thrashing through profound hardship. The world is full of woe, with new horrors every day. Just among my closest friends there’s: Just realize that, though my site’s tagline is “It’s all about me,” I’ve never for a second believed that, and underlying my self-absorbed posts is profound sadness about the plights of others, and not just my own. But I’ll keep going […]

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The Die is Cast

I’ve heard it said that you shouldn’t own a bike if you don’t know how to repair it. Likewise, Small maintains that if you have nice silver, you should polish it yourself. Maybe the same principle applies to a blog: if you can’t fix it when the technology blows up, perhaps you’re not ready for the responsibility. This is not a hypothetical situation. Last week my blog’s back-end (that sounds rude) once again went kablooey […]

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I can think of few people close to me who aren’t going through significant if not catastrophic hardships. The country collapsing around us doesn’t help, either. A bright spot for me through these times continues to be Ember. I’ve told you how quirky and funny she is. Here’s an example: As she and I were crossing the street on our way toward her weekly piano lesson Friday night, she asked, “If you were to die […]

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In Memoriam  When Dad died, I don’t think I truly realized how long “forever” is. Last week, in an email to a childhood friend, I wrote that almost 20 years later I find myself getting a bit angry that he’s still dead. I wasn’t being glib. There’s actually a sliver of me that doesn’t quite get how his death can be so permanent. I want to look into his big ole cow-eyes and admonish him: […]

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