Category: Technology

Chats, blogs & virtual worlds

Bowling, Revisited

Linhong Zhou just e-mailed me a photo she took on our bowling night. I love it so much I want you to see it, even though it’s old news. Frying one’s computer is not only expensive but taxing on time and spirit. Critical files have gone missing: passwords, financial records, four years’ worth of e-mails… and my entire address/phone book. They’re not on the hard drive I yanked from the bowels of my old computer. […]

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Happy 5770!

—”Yesterday I spilled half a glass of lemonade into my computer,” I told Sehoon, the SIT tech person, this morning. “Why isn’t it working any more?” He gave me the look that technical people with five monitors on their desk give the proletariat. —“What did you do when that happened?” —“I turned it upside-down and shook some of the lemonade out.” —“Did you turn off the power?” —“The power? No. It turned itself off. Well, […]

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Snipers, Warriors & Hawks

I slept really late this morning. It might have something to do with the two sleeping pills I took last night. Also the mental weariness brought on by the long (and continuing) wait to hear from SIT admissions, and the anxious inertia that’s engendered. This morning’s horrible dreams are also infecting my thoughts and mood. Here’s the one I remember: I was on a long and lethal whitewater trip during which my father was among […]

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The Bright Side of Life

One of the good things about having a famous brother is you get free cookies when he does a book-signing, and in the Q&A session you get to ask him probing questions that he has no choice but to answer. Did you know there are people whose job it is to drive visiting writers around to signings? Laura, the delightful woman who was guiding Jay tonight, does this for a living when she’s not in […]

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