Category: Friends

Sociable undertakings

Budding Composer

I must now dig into my rapidly dwindling savings to unearth nearly $10K for an earthquake retrofit. I did one twenty years ago but recently learned that it’s not complete or up to today’s standards. Since I don’t have quake insurance, this is crucial. Over the past few months I’ve met twice with a structural engineer, name of Scott, and last week had an appointment with him and his contractor, Mario, to figure out exactly […]

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Eastward Ho!

My little granddaughter is a complicated person: affectionate, headstrong, bright, spirited, cheerful, opinionated, creative, competent, resourceful, and fun. She’s holding it together in the face of major challenges, though she knows (because I’ve told her) that she doesn’t have to be a model child all the time. Imagine adjusting not only to a new school, new people and unfamiliar educational concepts, but also to different home rituals. She’s doing so well, and I’m proud of […]

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Prinderella & the Cince

Last week when I left TJ’s I brought home a videotape she and I had recorded together in 1993. I remember it consisted mostly of us hamming it up for the camera, performing antics that at the time I believed to be hysterically funny and clever. Dying to see it again so many years later, I had it digitized. Must’ve been a different tape. In this one, all we’re doing is running a series of […]

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Comfort Zones

On reading the latest about Drumpf’s recent lawsuits claiming executive privilege in investigations of the January coup attempt, I started to wonder just how much he has spent over his life on lawyers. It boggles the mind to contemplate. Even compared to another person with too much wherewithal, it must be astronomical. Imagine all that dough going someplace necessary, rather than to cover the ass of that weasel. In my dreams… I was walking at […]

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