Category: The Daily Grind

Garden-variety musings

Free Advice for You

Molly told me there’s a new OS for my mobile devices and that I might consider updating my phone and iPad. She’s my technology guru, so I always follow her lead. After I did it, I had to reset Siri on my iPad (by saying “Hello, Siri” five times). My iPhone, however, didn’t prompt me to do likewise, so I wondered if Siri were still functioning. To find out, I asked my phone, ”Hey Siri, […]

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Make Me a Pallet on the Floor

I’m already tired of smoothies. The one I’m nursing now contains bananas, yogurt, strawberries, milk, orange juice, grape juice, mangoes, peaches, and lemon-lime fizzy water. Luckily, the alternating combination of Tylenol and Motrin is keeping the pain mostly at bay, as long as I don’t open my mouth. What’s less fortunate is that part of my face is still a bit numb and tingly two days later. That’s not supposed to happen. I hope it […]

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Good Drills, Bad Drills

Oh, I do love hardware, almost as much as I love camping supplies. Be it hereby known that I am now the proud owner of: A Craftsman ratcheting socket wrench set with nine metal fittings in an array of sizes up to one inch. Josh suggested to Molly who suggested to me that I try such a tool to loosen that stubborn, giant bolt holding together my old bed. Wonder of wonders, it worked like […]

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If I Had a Hammer

Today I accomplished my final end-of-season, post-camping task: thoroughly vacuuming out the bits of sand, rock, leaves, pine needles and mud that littered every surface in my car. I also scrubbed the inside of the windows, shined up the plastic interior, and then drove through the car wash down the street. My Subaru is a new woman now. Another project was to dig out a bunch of tools from the basement and see if I […]

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