Day 68: Doggy Depression

Remember how worried I was that the squirrels would behead my carnations before they bloomed? And remember how I thought maybe a dog might help? Guess who I caught with the whole flower in her mouth? Luckily she let go when I asked her, no harm done. Speaking of squirrels, Bessie took off after one in my yard today, but it was faster than she. She’s doing her job.

She seems to emerge from her shell a tiny bit, and then retreat. She slept under my bed again last night. When I rolled over and the bed creaked at 6:00, she thumped her tail. And when I got up a few minutes later, the wagging was loud enough that it could have woken Elana downstairs. But for much of the day she’s been listless and sleeping: under my bed, out in the yard, on the kitchen floor, on the back porch. She had her surgery seven days ago and she’s still recovering. She moves very slowly so maybe she hurts. And she must be depressed. I just hope she didn’t pick up something nasty on the streets or in the kennel. I’ll be keeping a close eye. Her appetite is great and she doesn’t have a fever. She’s getting lots of love and attention.

She loves to be under things.

She came up the back stairs again today! It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t fast and it took four treats, but she did it. And then two more times she climbed up with a little less coaxing. I’m so proud. Of her. Of me.

I don’t think she can sense too much of my anxiety about her, though I wouldn’t be surprised if she picked up some. Dogs are sensitive and this one especially. So I decided to have a heart-to-heart with her, as I do with dogs. I often find myself at my cleverest and most interesting when conversing with a hound. Stroking her head I said, I’m sorry, but I’m very nervous about this whole thing and I’m trying to hide it, but if it shows, I apologize. I’m doing my best. And she replied, Hey, gal, I feel the same way.

On a different topic, I attended a virtual memorial this afternoon for my high school English teacher. Well over 250 people were watching. When I die, I’ll be lucky to have ten in attendance. He was big into Scottish country dancing so the concluding number was Auld Lang Syne on the bagpipes. I doubt there was a dry eye in the virtual house.

Look what Marianna sent me today. It makes mask-wearing so much more fun. Isn’t it glorious?

Ooooh, I just saw Bessie play for a minute! Though she still spends a lot of time with her tail tucked under her, she has her moments of relaxing. Her Uncle Michael and Aunt Adi dropped by a present for her: a bandanna. She greeted them nicely, which made me happy. So hard to have a pet that you can’t properly socialize, and she has to like your friends. I wish I could have people over to play with her.

Here’s the really exciting news: I just got her to poop in the backyard, which means that if I can’t get out to walk her exactly when she needs me to, she can still take care of business! A milestone.

As I told you, digging is a problem with her. When I see her start, I say Uh uh! and she usually pauses. After one such attempt, I redirected her into the sandbox that I had for my grandkids, that’s so funky I’d never let them play there any more. She loved that. If only I could teach her to dig nowhere else.

And here she is just modeling her new designer wear.


  1. she’s so cute with the bandana. really suits her. if you say she’s depressed it’s perhaps post partum depression. not really. what makes you think she’s depressed?
    arnold doesn’t do much either. he sleeps around the house, follows me and down he goes in a comfy spot. i try to play with him, but he doesn’t catch or fetch or tug. like our other dogs. he’s just happy to be alive without doing any tricks. and that is fine by me.
    he came with a habit of carrying his stuffies around everywhere, but that stoped with us. at the shelter he would even take them on walks. but when he started to take them apart and eat the stuffing, out to the garage they went. and he doesn’t seem to miss them.
    you’re wearing the mask wrong and i sent you an email with photo do it right. it seems everyone assumes the straps go behind the neck. the mask should cover more of your face.
    i’m glad the smaller size fits better.

  2. She looks perkier already! And very fashionable!

    All your reports thus far are positive — way to go, for you both!!!

    Elana’s presence is another step toward socialization. How I wish I could play with her, too!!

  3. Marianna: Well, if I’m lucky, she’ll stay mellow. She’s perking up a bit from time to time. I think she’s depressed because of her attitude. Not a lot of wags, droopy body language.

    Ma: But you’re right: she does perk up sometimes, especially around Elana.

  4. I think she’s very cute, yellow eyes and all. My yellow-green eyed cat wishes you both good luck.

  5. Re: the carnation: BESSIE! Well, at least she is very gentle, and lets go of things when asked (see also: glasses). Good about her squirrel policing skills!

    I am so glad you had a heart-to-heart with her. I think you’re right that dogs are very attuned to their people, and talking it through with her seems an excellent thing to do to help (both of you).

    The sandbox is a great solution! And A+ bandana (I typed “banana”). What a cutie.

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