Day 64: Life Decisions

I have been an anxious mess for the past 24 hours, ever since making the plan to go meet the rescue pup, Dusty. My insides are on fire. First, I was worried about logistics, like finding my way to the foster mother’s house. And then all the rest: should I even be looking at a dog if I’m not positive it’s a good idea. Although in all honesty, I have to say that when I was newly pregnant with both daughters, I wasn’t entirely sure I’d made such a logical choice then, either. Imagine my life if my decisions had been ruled by sense and reason. Some of the best stuff I’ve done falls well outside that realm.

So I spent the morning pacing, pacing, pacing because I was too hyped up to concentrate on much. Finally, with Elana joining me for company and a second opinion, we headed off to Rio Vista, where I met Dusty. All photos courtesy of Elana.

Initial contact

You can see in the picture above that she’s a little hesitant about coming to me for this first meeting, but her ears aren’t back and her tail isn’t tucked. That’s a good sign, isn’t it, Eleni?

Mama dog

As you can see, she was lactating when they found her. She was just spayed on Saturday, and she’s so relaxed that she doesn’t even have to wear the cone of shame to keep her from worrying her incision. I wonder what became of her puppies. And I wonder if dogs experience a sense of loss in a case like this. I shouldn’t anthropomorphize, but dogs definitely have giant hearts, and memories.

Her ears have character. She’s really just a wee thing, small for a Lab/German Shepherd cross. Her original description online said she was 2.75 years old, but the foster ma said she’s only one, and proceeded to stick her hands in Dusty’s mouth to show me Dusty’s gorgeous white teeth, which Dusty tolerated very well.

It was endearing when she stuck her head under my arm.

Elana and I and the foster mom, Kendall, sat on the concrete patio and watched the dog, while Kendall filled me in on what she knew. She told me that Dusty is calm inside the house, not food- or toy-aggressive, and housebroken. She doesn’t wake up too early. And a bunch of other things. As I listened, I took my glasses off and put them by my side on the ground. The next thing I knew, Dusty had oh-so-delicately picked them up with her little lips, and slowly started to walk away, with them held so gently in her mouth. She didn’t seem to mind when I took them back.

As Dusty and I said goodbye, I put my head down by her snout, and she gave me a big wet lick on my right eye. Considering that only three days ago, she wouldn’t socialize with humans because of her trauma, I was actually touched.

I vacillate between utter terror and a calm resolve that this is the right choice. I look to friends for guidance, but they’re too smart to offer it. It’s my decision alone and no one can help me.



  1. Adopt her. She will bring a lot to your life. And you will bring everything to hers.


    An unrepentant rescue dog mom

  2. I think you should take a leap of faith. It appears that she did.

  3. how was she on a leash? is she with another dog now? is she dog aggressive? how is she with kids? especially toddlers? does she bark a lot?
    how would she be on a walk and meeting other dogs?
    and stephen wants to know the quality of her poop.
    who will take care of her when you travel or visit your mom?
    i have so many questions. i am all for adopting in these difficult times. you would get out 3 times a day or more. are you ready for that? stephen had some weird dodging to do with people not wearing masks on a very narrow trail.
    where would you walk her?
    it would be nice if you could foster first. to see what it is like to have a dog during these times.

  4. Kudos to you for taking the leap of meeting her, whether or not you end up deciding to go for it.

    I love the photos of you and her! She looks so gentle, and I love the little lean she does, and her cheerful little ears.

    That’s ridiculously funny about her glasses-absconsion.

    I shall be so curious to hear what you decide. It’s a very tough decision to make!

  5. You will never know her past, but you will give her a loving beautiful future.
    I love that she took your glasses!
    I love she put her muzzle under your arm!
    This is good timing with The Shelter in Place.

  6. A big decision — but she looks sweet. (I don’t see any trace of shepherd in her??) Can’t wait to hear your decision!!

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