Big Love

It is truly beyond belief how much I love my granddaughter. Jason recorded this bit of audio on June 23, 2016 [Ed. note: Eleni says this is about 1.5 years old.]; it captures her innocence and her sweet voice makes my heart go thumpa thumpa thumpa. [Don’t despair if you don’t see any video; it’s barely there.]

An excerpt:

Jason: Are you going to be a photographer when you grow up?
Ember: Um, nope. I’m going to be a big girl.

Eleni and I had a video chat this evening on Skype, which kept freezing every few seconds. During one of these freezes, I heard Eleni completely lose it to hysterics. I didn’t know why, until she sent me this:


I look just like Mr. Ed.


The big news from here is Costa Rica. A couple weeks ago, Molly told me that she was planning a solo trip there. “Can I go?” I asked rudely. I’ve been before, but this was a rare opportunity to spend time with my beloved younger daughter whom I rarely see these days. Molly didn’t faint dead away at the notion, but allowed as she needed some time to ponder the possibility. She ruminated, and decided in my favor. So our plan is for each of us to spend some time alone there, and then to convene and travel together. What a treat! Yesterday, with Molly’s help, I bought my plane tickets. I’m quite nervous since I haven’t traveled for a while and there’s so much to worry about when you’re on the road: where’s my passport, how do I get across the country by public transport, will the ATM work, how do I keep thugs from stealing my things, that sort of thing.

Plans are beginning to emerge, but I’ll spare you the details until they become reality. I leave just over a month from now on September 10 (my parents’ anniversary) and return on the 22nd.


  1. Adorable widdle voice! So glad you’re off on another adventure! Looking forward to the details and to seeing some blog and FB posts from exotic and compelling locales. And hey, you’re an old hand at the travel jags….and you will slip into your adventurous persona as you disembark into the enchanting atmosphere of CR. So jealous! í¢ÂÂ¤í¯Â¸Âí¢ÂœÂˆí¯Â¸Âí°ÂŸÂ—ºí°ÂŸÂÂ–

  2. Oh! My clever and thoughtful emojis were reduced to weird symbols. Ha! Imagine a heart, a beach scene, a jet, and a folded map. Oh well!

  3. Syddles: Yes, isn’t that voice so incredibly appealing. So earnest. I like your wayward emojis. I prefer the verbal version. I can never tell what emojis are supposed to represent.

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