Ode to Bun

Mom was at a church-lady meeting at the other day, where the biddies were discussing pros and cons of constructing a new holy building. At the end of much debate, a certain Mrs. R____ [not my mother this time], chimed in. “I say we should grab the bull by the balls and run with it.” No one made a peep in response to this Hemingway.

When I talk with Emmy and Eleni on video chat, I teach Emmy things. Right now we’re still working on Itsy Bitsy spider, Redrum fingers and, most recently, Mean Face.


  1. You should at least edit out the part where you give your address, especially since you go on to show all the attractive, valuable stuff in your house. I watched the whole entire thing, even though you told me time and time again not to.
    Yay for another post!

  2. Her mean face looks JUST like my mean face, when I was a wee chile. You remember that video? And indeed, it’s also just like my mean face still looks.

    I watched all the video also, and it made me laugh merrily. I agree with Eleni, though — except perhaps instead of editing, you could password-protect this blog, since our Small has learnt how to do passwords now?!

    “surety, ylenit”

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed all–and have come back to see it again–and can’t GET it! I am definitely computer-challenged. HELP me!

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