
I think I’m going to retire, and least for now. I’m boring myself. That wasn’t a problem when I was the only one reading this, but now that my readership has climbed into the low double-digits, it’s no longer All About Me.

Writing a blog has been many good things for me. Most of all, it’s kept me alert. It’s easy to take for granted the non-events of day-to-day life. But when you decide that your job is to find something interesting in the mundane, you have to be attentive. And in fact, you can find some pretty remarkable things in life’s armpit. Of course, sometimes it’s better to leave them unremarked upon.

And then there’s the pesky nature of writing itself, with every written word having as many possible meanings as there are readers. Even skilled writers leave clouds of dust in their wake. I marvel at and admire those brave enough to write honestly, without filters.

I very well might change my mind by dinnertime. But in the meantime, I bid you adieu. Before long I will be in touch with you via more conventional means like SMS, G-chat, IM or a virtual social world. (My name there is Dillo McMillan.)

Tomorrow’s my last day before I leave for Guatemala. I have to head for the airport at 2:00 a.m. tomorrow “night.” Ugh. Once there, I think I’ll have e-mail access, so you can write to me and I can write back.

A happy new year to my blog friends and beyond.




  1. Whyyyyyyy?
    I so look forward to your posts, and, yes, although not all about you anymore, there’s nothing wrong with it being all-or mostly-about our dear Emmy, for now. Don’t you think?
    I love your writing, and whatever it is you choose to write about. I don’t know about your life unless you post it-there’s a different kind of honesty you exhibit on here. (Maybe therein lies the problem?)
    I’m devastated, which I guess is another one of the reasons you’re heading into early retirement; we, your loyal readers, expect you to answer us.
    But I respectfully beg you not to shut this bloggy down.
    No pressure.
    Just…don’t go. Pweebie?
    I love you,
    slingfra McCallion

  2. Hey! No no no no no! Not allowed. I forbid it, Ninna, and you must listen to me, for I am your mother! Wait, the other way around. But I still forbid it. FORBID.

    At the least, please keep the blog active, so that you have a venue for if you should decide to favor us again with a few sentences here or there.


    ReCaptcha agrees, saying “and, clinical.”

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