A Woman Obsessed

I never wanted to think about teaching all the time. But once I began my ESL studies, I couldn’t stop. Like, last summer I went to the Guggenheim and all I could see were English-teaching ideas. Now when I look around my house, I don’t see my treasures; I see teaching ideas. “I wonder how I could incorporate a Pee Wee Herman talking doll into my class.”

Unconsciousness doesn’t change things. Eleni’s presence during my sleeping hours has provided evidence of a most extraordinary sort. From last night, for example, she reports the following event:

When you and Ember were asleep together, she woke up and was doing that horrible screeching scream, and in your sleep you said to her: “Well, I’d be mad too if I hadn’t done all my homework. But you still have to take the test.”

I’m such a bitch, really.

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