Day: July 14, 2011

Water Snakes

I should go back and add captions to my slide show, but I don’t want to. Remember the two slithery pictures: one of snakes and one of eels (plus a crab one)? That was at the rollerskating restaurant. I asked our Vietnamese tour guide if it was okay to take off the lid of the cages so I could get a better picture, which he did. Then I asked what kinds of snakes those were. […]

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You Don’t Look Like An American

The sobering fact is that we in the U.S. have an international reputation for being obese. Eating as much as I have been, I am rapidly heading in that direction. However, I’m having fish-sauce difficulties. First, as you know, on my first day here I drank it in gulps before realizing what it was. Immediately thereafter a Vietnamese told me not to ask what was in it. Then yesterday, I spilled a vat of fish […]

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