“You’re Not That Inarticulate”

…That was Will Lewis’ response to my self-consciousness about my on-air performance with him. A skilled backhanded compliment is a work of art. And it was funny enough to make me feel less stupid about babbling nationally. I may not be a consummate radio personality, but I’m “human,” as Brian put it, with another masterfully executed backhanded compliment.

Will was a delight: warm, funny, relaxed. It always surprises when talented or visionary or courageous people are so ordinary. He’s the former KPFK station manager who was jailed at San Quentin in the early 1970s because of his refusal to turn over Symbionese Liberation Army material to the police. His actions led to historic changes in journalists’ conditional rights to protect their sources.

Listen to our Bill of Rights Hour, if you want. There’s some fascinating stuff about the First Amendment and the police raid on the radio station. Remember, though: it’s a pledge drive, so you have to endure pitches.

Ditto with the last hour of last night’s national broadcast, about which my elder daughter wrote, “Very very interesting, about the archives. I had no idea what they did, what went on there. You sound dry-mouthy but otherwise fine, Ma.” I love her. Anyway.

I’m really tired, though I did get some sleep last night at the University City Hilton. The pace of fund drives Web work is much more manageable today, at times even leisurely. We’ve made $130,000 so far: well short of the goal, but good.

Yeah, too tired. I just got snapped at — nothing personal; just stress — and my mask cracked right off and I had to hide, to reassemble.

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