Goodbye, Vermont

I made a little farewell video in honor of my year in Vermont. Here t’is. I’m gonna put it on Facebook too, but you saw it here first.

[flashvideo filename=wp-content/video/bye-vt.flv image=wp-content/video/bye-vt.jpg /]


  1. Oh my–such a touching tribute from the reprobate–how can you put together such beauteous things? Made a tear come to MY eye, and I got no connection with VT at all…looking forward to your eventual return. and the cow jumping over the moon….

    “photographed binary”

  2. Oh, no, I saw it first on Facebook, actually.

    I like it lots and lots though. Especially in the parts where I can hear wee smiley emotions in your voice.

  3. How strangish. I didn’t MEAN for it to be touching. I thought I was being all ironic and satirical. But then again, I AM sad about leaving such a pretty spot, and I guess my pics tell that story. But I didn’t photograph binary. I photographed digital.

    Hahahahahahahaaaa… now isn’t THIS perfect: leadership dumbness!!!!!

  4. Hey, this woman has learnt a lot in terms of minimal pairs. Look at the rhythm, here is hidden talent that we never able to take advantage of, Oh poor us…!

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