Month: December 2009

Ma Jeune Fille Estí¡ Aquí­

As of midnight last night, I hadn’t seen my younger daughter in four months. All that has changed. Further, I get to see my older daughter in less than a week. At 2:00 a.m. Lulu and I arrived home from the Hartford airport, after a 1.75-hour drive through sometimes blinding snow. What a wondrous thing it is to have my child back. I’d so missed having someone walk in on me whenever I’m in the […]

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Yo’ Mama’s Butt

“What, did you get dressed in the dark?!” Regina asked me as I walked into the classroom this afternoon. This, just because I was wearing bright blue pants, green socks and red shoes. “Nice leisure suit,” Genevieve added. “If you were wearing a gold chain and had a butt, you’d be at home in the Bronx,” observed Kim. “You can buy butt inserts! You know, the kind you can stick on when you have a […]

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Laundry Troubles

One thing I don’t understand about myself is why I have parties. It happens by mistake. I did it before I left home to come here. I’m not saying it wasn’t wonderful to see everyone or that I wasn’t flattered that so many people went out of their way to come see me. It’s just that I don’t like parties, so why would I give one? Yet this is what my house looked like last […]

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White & Red

While we had flurries today and no accumulation, the snow is still over my boots. Out in the country everything is still bright white, my road buried under ice. The drive to and from school is an adventure, during which I pay visits to sides of the road I’d never intended to see up close, and slip along at angles that are unusual for a car that uses a road as a means to an […]

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