The Chicago Three

My mouth is tired from laughing. At O’Hare yesterday evening I met with Karen M. who had come in from Philadelphia. While we waited for the cab, I told her, You’ve got to go check out that bathroom. I just took movies of the toilet. It is so cool. Karen emerged from the stall a few seconds later, looking perplexed. I guess she’d seen a lot of those tubular toilet seat covers that automatically whir into place. I hadn’t. I was going to post my movies here but now I’m embarrassed. I don’t get out much.

Since then Adi and Karen and I have been tearing up the town. At midnight last night we went to the shoe store across the street and almost got lost coming back. It was very dark. After the conference sessions today we went back to the shoe store. We almost got lost coming back.

On the TV news this morning Adi noticed an unusual-looking commentator. There’s a guy with big eyebrows. That means he’s financial, she observed with absolute conviction.

What I say in the title about the “Chicago Three” is not accurate. We’re actually in Evanston. Man, is this a big honkin’ lake. There’s something strange about it, too. It appears tall on the horizon, more like a building rising into the sky than a body of water vanishing into the distance.

At the end of the day, Sue and Erin had us line up so they could hand out special pins, our reward for participating in today’s seminar called “Opening the Gate to Social Media.” They’re smaller than I expected, Sue told us. Below, Adam models his. I think it says “Air is Everywhere.”

A while ago I bumped into Jay and Melissa and we went over to the opening reception where everyone knew Jay and I knew almost no one. Guess I’ve been away from public radio too long. I did something I’ve never done before at one of these. To someone who came to greet Jay I said, Hi. I’m Jay Allison’s sister. He has been very thoughtful in introducing me around a bit.

Actually, I do know quite a few people here and it’s particularly fun to see those I haven’t run into for nearly twenty years.

At the moment (11:30 pm) my colleagues are on the town and I’m all by my lonesome, which I like. I am very very very very tired. Goodnight.


  1. I want to see your videos of the toilet! I’ve never seen such a thing, in all my days.

    Also, unrelatedly, something from Arabic class I thought I should tell you: There is no equivalent of the ‘p’ sound in Arabic. The closest approximation is a ‘b’ (called “baa’ “). Because of this, according to my teachers, stores often have huge signs proclaiming, “PIG SALE!”

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