Month: April 2008

Tattoo Two: The Wave

Here’s the story of Yo-Nenny’s second tattoo. She got it about a month after her first one, when she’d just turned sixteen. I went straight home after getting my first tattoo, looking for inspiration for my next one. I got the idea off a mirror that my brother gave me from The Met. I looked in my backpack and I had this teeny little hand-mirror and it had this design on the back of it, […]

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Obama Supporters

A few days ago I hiked up the Marin hill to an Obama precinct-leader’s house, where I picked up some promotional materials: “Women for Obama” bumper stickers for Lulu and her friend Esmeralda, a sign for my front yard, and a poster for the gecko’s cage. Gecka, normally complacent, got all excited about her new decoration. For a full five minutes she cruised back and forth trying to climb it. I’ve never seen her get […]

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Funny Ha-Ha

As an antidote to my last post, here are some funny things I’ve heard the past few days: From Anna… “My arms are weenie. They just stick out the sides of my body. But yours have bumps.” “I have to stop sticking my anteater nose everywhere.” From Walk Hard… [Teej and Richard sent the DVD to me. I watched it all by myself just now, at times laughing so hard I was wheezing.] A Blues […]

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