Month: January 2008

From Coast to Coast

A gale from the mountain howled down in blasts all last night. I dreamed about hurricanes. At 1:30 a.m. the Christian revival was still going strong, more electric than ever and carried on the winds. Maria had a full day planned for us, so at 5:45 a.m. we got ready to leave Jaibalito. On the way to the dock we passed through the village one last time, accompanied by the talented gardener of the Volcano […]

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New-Time Religion

Here are a few shots of Jaibalito. In the background you’ll hear some of the Pentecostal singing that started at 7 a.m. and is still going strong at 10 p.m. Most of the day it’s been men’s voices, but this funky little audio sample has the women. [flashvideo filename=wp-content/video/volc.flv image=wp-content/video/volc.jpg /] _ Next Central America entry >>

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Dí­a de Descansar

All last night the wind sounded like canon blasts. It was dramatic if not soporific. At 7:00 a.m. sharp the revival began anew, possibly with even more enthusiasm than last night. I gave up on sleep and padded barefoot down the stone stairs for coffee. On my way, I smiled at a piece of black plastic that I thought was a cat. After last night’s scorpion-check I’m a little jumpy, so when Maria pointed at […]

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This morning I said goodbye to Luis, my ever-reliable tuc-tuc driver, whom it has been a pleasure to see each morning (though sleeping late would have been more of a pleasure). Here’s some tuc-tuc information for you: Luis pays 200 quetzales in rental a day (around $26), plus gas. At 15 quetzales a fare, it takes a while to break even, so every day he starts before dawn and continues till 7:00 PM. His diligence […]

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