Pup 21: Ranger

February 2, 2007

Lynne called mid-evening to ask if I could possibly foster Ranger that night. Since he looked almost exactly like my Birdie, I dropped everything and went to get him. He’d been mostly in kennels for a couple weeks and was in desperate need of exercise and attention.

Poor Ranger. He was relentless in his demands for affection. Worse was that he stunk — not like a dirty dog but like a long-unwashed person. You couldn’t tell he’d just been bathed by a professional groomer. I sprayed him all over with hippie deodorant a few times but the smell was still enough to make you gag.

So he stayed mostly outside with Stella. They ran around a lot, he wagging and she yelping in pain. It was nighttime and dark at the edges of the yard so I couldn’t see what was going on, but I expect he was herding her with his teeth.

He was the first visiting dog that she didn’t like. He was the first I didn’t take a picture of. He was the first I wasn’t very nice to. He didn’t do anything wrong. He just didn’t do anything right.

I feel horrible that I didn’t show him love when that’s all he was asking for. I couldn’t do it.

I took him back the next day. That night Milo called and asked if I could foster him one more night but I didn’t get the message till too late. The day after that someone adopted him. The following day he was returned. I don’t know what happened next.

Sometimes this foster stuff is just too sad.


  1. This is one of those moments where I actually bless – bless! – the internet.

    I thought I was the only person on earth who could possibly have an addiction to pattern of dropping out of graduate school. I did mine in reverse to yours.

    I got halfway through a counseling psychology program.

    I just left a journalism program. My (not so close) friends think it’s crazy and let’s not even start on the disappointment I am to my father.

    In addition – I also foster rescue dogs (I specialize in pitbulls).

    What a mindblow to meet you.

  2. And bless 52 Faces — someone I don’t know who somehow found her way here and took the time to leave a thoughtful comment. I was interested to bop around your site and see we have some other characteristics in common. thanks again for your visit and your comment, and your blog.

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